Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay on The Benefits of Diversity - 2250 Words
Organization Behavior The Benefits of Diversity Affirmative action has been the center of many heated debates for decades now. Affirmative action policies are used in the United States to give advantages to racial minorities in areas of education, employment, health care, or government funding. These minorities are underrepresented groups in society, especially when defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Until the mid-1960s, legal barriers prevented blacks and other racial minorities in the United States from entering many jobs and educational institutions. Although women were rarely legally barred from jobs or education, many universities would not admit them and many employers would not hire them. The Civil Rights Act of†¦show more content†¦In todays global market, diversity is a must. Traditional barriers are being broken down, and for many companies cross border trade is essential for the companys success and growth. A decade ago Japan, Europe and North America were responsible for over 80% of global commerce , but new markets are opening up throughout the world and these have brought increased opportunity and also competition (Murray). In addition, rapid developments in technology such as the Internet have made new markets accessible to even the smallest of companies. The growing markets of Latin America, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe are now playing an ever more important role in global buying, selling and manufacturing. Diversity within a company can help the firm better understand the culture, customs, and the way of doing business internationally. Customers also prefer to do business with a workforce that which they can identify, and that have a strong commitment to their community. A company is also encouraged to adopt diversity programs to stay out of legal trouble. Many companies are under legislative mandates to be non-discriminatory in their employment practices. Non-compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity or Affirmative Action legislation can result in fines and/or loss of contracts with government agencies (Diversity Guidelines). InShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Organizational Diversity And Diversity Essay1402 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational diversity is defined as the variety of differences amongst the people in a workplace with regard to background, education, organizational function, cognitive style, personality, age, tenure, ethnic group, gender, and race. It involves the perception people hold upon themselves and their work colleagues. Therefore, the most successful organizations tend to spend their resources on diversity management. Benefits of Organizational Diversity. The benefits of organizational diversity include aRead MoreBenefits Of Diversity And Inclusion1657 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in today’s business world. 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