Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Culture Is A Way Of Life - 875 Words
What is Culture? Culture is a way of life. A societal heritage that is derived from language, religion, values, personal beliefs and even music. Without it their is no telling what the structure of our social forces may hold. According to Introduction to Sociology by OpenStax College, â€Å"Almost every human behavior, from shopping to marriage to expressions of feelings, is learned†(pg. 52). For example if a child is taught to show love, kindness, and compassion through the upbringing of his family, then he will most likely grow up sharing these same values. Behavior based on learned customs helps shape us as humans into the people we are today. In similar fashion, these same values hold true for the people of the Namibia Culture located in South Africa. Their heritage is a true testament of how adaptation plays a key role in survival. One could imagine how difficult it must have been to endure the unbearable conditions of the Kalahari desert but the Namibia tribes did. Fo r instance, in the Around The Globe video, it stated that the Ju’hoansi tribe conquered this practice through knowledge. A vital element in which the tribes embraced understanding on how to hunt for food, what sources to captivate water, and how to estimate the exactness of how long ago the animals were around. This not only showed that the Namibia Culture were great adapters to their environment but it also show’s how they exemplify leadership by staying strong through every hardship. No matter if theyShow MoreRelatedCulture Is A Way Of Life1180 Words  | 5 PagesCulture is a lifestyle; it is the way life is going to base on beliefs, traditions, or ethnic values. Based on the Merriam Webster dictionary culture is A culture is a way of life of a group of people act specific behaviors, value beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. C ulture is also known to be a way of expressing one’s opinion and point of view, it is veryRead MoreCulture Is A Way Of Life1033 Words  | 5 PagesWhen defining the word culture, a common definition is that culture is a way of life. The way of life, however, holds a very general and unspecific meaning, and thus it is only an accurate description to encompass the basic idea of culture in a worldwide sense. A culture is made up of the people within it, and their interactions with each other and the society around them. It is these interactions that resulted in ideas such as art, history, tradition, and science, along with a range of others. TheRead MoreCulture : The Ideas And Way Of Life924 Words  | 4 PagesCulture Diversity Culture is known as the ideas and way of life of a society. Culture can have a set of behavior and beliefs. Culture has different shared components that have to do with norms, symbols, material artifacts, values, and language. 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