Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Russia in World War One Essay - 2484 Words
Russia in World War One Against a domestic background of widespread strikes and violent government assaults on strikers, Russia entered WWI in August, 1914. with the worlds largest army. Poorly trained and equipped, they quickly went from early success to catastrophic defeat. The disastrous fortunes of the Russian army undermined the authority of the government. There were conscription (draft) riots in the cities. There were food shortages. Russia lost territory. People who did not oppose the war because of political sentiments opposed it because they saw it as a disaster for the Russian people. By the end of 1916, the Russians had lost more than a million men and continued to lose major†¦show more content†¦The Bolsheviks agreed to help but made it clear they were fighting against Kornilovs troops and not in support of the government. In just a few days, they raised an armed militia of 25,000 and fortified the city. Kornilovs soldiers refused to try to take Petrograd by for ce. Kornilov was arrested, his general commited suicide, and Kerensky had a new problem on his hands. The Bolsheviks now had control of the Soviets and the Red Guard, control of Petrograd, and a small but well-organized and armed militia. The Mensheviks had allied themselves with Kerensky, Kerensky had tried to broker a deal with the landowners, and had sent the Cossacks out to subdue the revolutionaries in the countryside. None of this was well-received by the workers. At the urging of Trotsky, the Red Guards stormed the Winter Palace, Kerensky ran to France, and the Bolsheviks were now in control. But wasnt Trotsky on the side of the Mensheviks? He had been, but he was one of many who were greatly angered by the Mensheviks support of Kerensky. He was by now a pacifist as far as the war was concerned, a believer in permanent revolution, and totally opposed to Kerenskys alliances with the propertied classes. So he joined with the Bolsheviks when he returned to Russia from his long and turbulent exile abroad. He was instrumental inShow MoreRelatedWorld War One was the Deciding Factor in the Collapse of Tsarism in Russia2428 Words  | 10 PagesWorld War One was the Deciding Factor in the Collapse of Tsarism in Russia Nicholas II’s abdication in February 1917 marked the end of Tsarism in Russia and the end of over 100 years of Romanov rule. By the time the war broke out in 1914 almost every section of Russian society felt betrayed by the autocracy, in particular the peasants and the growing number of urban workers. The peasants increasingly resented being exploited by the nobility and governing elite, and althoughRead MoreEssay on World War I: The Primary Cause of the Russian Revolution1111 Words  | 5 PagesRussias overthrows and shortage caused revolutionary upheaval and massive inflation, which led to deprived infrastructure. 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